Comment to 'The first of many to come.'
  • Damn that looks awesome, are they popping open or are most of the seeds still in the calyx? Are you going to dry the seeds and the buds they are in together? Exciting stuff.

    I am looking forward to mine finishing so I can reveg the mothers and back cross them. Of course I need them to germinate and grow first.,  

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    • Some slightly split open but most are closed. The screwed up thing is the whole plants I put in the tent are just totally covered with pods and no pistils. But I do know they are over 5 weeks from pollination.

      When I saw the plant this particular seed came from is getting pulled soon I just went to a pod, gently pulled it off and the seed just rolled into my hand. Your seeds are going to be awesome as well! We pollinated around the same time!

      Exciting? Hell yeah!


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