Comment to 'Soil Grows Outside, Top Dressing and LST'
  • If Ocean Forest is organic , and I think it is, you can top dress with it all you want. Yeah, it will add a little fertility, but nuthin to get excited about. It's not gunna effect the flowering stage. As far as roots are concerned you may get little or sometimes big advantageous roots that will grow off the main stem. Just like corn does.  Try to keep the Ocean Forest top dressing off the main stem. LST is an art form that good growers can take advantage of. Outside it's not a must, but it's fun to experiment with. Bamboo works good, as does fencing . Defol... NO unless you have yellowing leaves. The prob with out door growin and bud rot, is not so much air flow, but HIGH HUMIDITY and RAIN ! Air flow is important ! Last year in Missouri the weather was PERFECT for finishing out buds..IT DID NOT RAIN for the whole month of September ! Happy growin

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    • Thanks Chubby, I will probably feed these some because, I am me and I cant help screwing with things, lol. I also have a lot of 1/2 full stuff I dont use anymore so maybe I can get some good out of those AN nutes, lol. 

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