Comment to 'what is this'
Comment to what is this
  • I agree, when I see something like that I check and make sure my PH meter is calibrated. And I have seen a couple of articles on how Cal/Mag can lock out P&K so do a little research before you change anything. We have seen a couple of your grows on here now so I doubt its a deficiency of something your not giving it 

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    • im feeding at 6.2-6.4, and i did change some things this time, did 50-50 light mix and coco and im feeding 1 water 1 nutes this time instead of always giving them nutes. i added worm castings and bat guavo and the beginning 

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      • I think ur problem is the organic amendments you mixed in at the start man. 

        Bat guano has to be composted before you can mix it into ur medium, these plants have done this well so far cause you keep resetting the medium when you feed it but it’s starting to catch up now.

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