Comment to 'LED lights'
Comment to LED lights
  • I made the switch 2 grows ago and i have no regrets. However, I traded 2 1000W HID's and a 400w HID for 3 true 500w LEDs with hopes of lowering my electric bill and there was no significant change in my electric bill unfortunately. I saw a huge change in bud density when I originally switched from LED's to HID's so I was worried the switch back would result in looser buds but I put that fear to rest on the 1st grow under LED's. The Crescendo buds are like rocks and Glookies buds are like granite.

    My advise is to look at the PPFD maps and ignore what ever the flowering foot print they claim. If  they dont put out at least 500 PPFD at the outer edges of the grow space then they dont actually cover the area they claim, not that they wont grow and finish at the perimeter but you will notice a difference between the buds in the center and the ones at the outer edges. 

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