Comment to 'Trimming'
Comment to Trimming
  • Hulkster you know you can't go "out of town" when you grow...he,he,he Without getting too technical, water is taken up thru the xylem from the roots, to the leaves, in a process called osmosis. This keeps the plants leaves happy and healthy. More leaves, more water is transported. Along with water, dissolved salts are moved up into the plant too. So I wouldn't worry to much either way, but I would skip a feed, and water to runoff before you leave. 

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    • I know it Chubby it’s not a vacation by any means but you guys are definitely easing my anxiety over leaving my babies and my dog I hate doing both but a Godfather has to do what he has to do haha looking forward to seeing my baby niece plus the laws on smoking are way more lax in Michigan than Florida so there is an upside. Brother in law plans on taking me around to some dispensaries while there hopefully I can score some good seeds. Thanks for the help brotha

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