Comment to 'EC/PPM Pens that are good these days'
  • I have a couple of the cheap PPM pens I use, neither can be calibrated so I keep 2 base lines written down, one is my well water which fluctuates between 50-100 depending on the time of the year and I know how much my base grow mix is so I kind of use that as the scale on when to toss the meters. About a month ago one of the meters had over a 4000ppm reading so its history, and it wasnt gradual either one day 1000ppm's the next 4000ppms.  

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    • Any recommended brands of pens? Also recommended sources would be great. Thanks.

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      • If you want to drop some bucks you can’t beat blue labs stuff. The ones I use are in the $15 range on Amazon 

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