Comment to 'First time grower, how am I doing'
  • I would do a little foliar feeding and add some cal/mag or Epsom salt to green the up a bit.  I agree you shouldnt need to feed them in Happy Frog but you could add some root supplements, recharge is a good one but there are others. I think not adding that has probably slowed your growth a bit, you sure have enough lite for it.

    Photone is an app I use to check PPFD, I think it only works on Iphones but there are a few others out there that work. I have a lux meter and the Photone app matches it exactly for lux and I have heard it does the same for par meters.

    To be honest compared to my first grows you kind of piss me off doing so well, lol. 

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    • Thanks for the advice, I have an iPhone and downloaded photone and will try it next time I’m at the tent.


      I think another factor for slow growth is that I turn my spaceheater off when I’m not home because I’m paranoid of burning the place down, and the tent will drop to 60 degrees at times. It seems like when I get to consistently keep the tent at 70+ it has growth spurts, but maybe that’s just my imagination.

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      • Thats probably true but I have never been disappointed because of slow growth or long flower times. I think you got this from the sounds of things.  

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