Comment to 'Question about dehumidifier'
  • Interesting topic. My last grow I was unable to manage my rh% in flowering. When the lights would go out the rh went high at 70% . I was wigging out  but I realized I had to deal with it so I put 3 pole fans on her (not hurricaine strength winds lol just a good even breeze and this helped with no mold or mildew issue. I am a firm believer in air movement if your worried about mold and mildew. This was one of the best harvest yet for me I like to keep humidity in late flowering only at around 50% . Look up VPD charts for cannabis and I swear by this. I try to hit those ranges in seedling , veg. and flowering stages. VPD is where it is at. If I have a plant transpiring I have a plant uptaking . Think of growing as a car .....there are several components working together to achieve a goal . Not just one thing. We never have a perfect environment something always happens but what we do is adapt to what we have and make it work.


    You rock dude ..I love people that think independently because you are always learning

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    • This is the good stuff that keeps me here and motivated to learn more. Cake I had a crash course on VPD I have tried growing 2 plants to 9 at one time and learned quick about loosing control of the environment is easy to do. I have found 4-5 plants are optimal for my grow room 

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