Comment to 'Need your guys help please'
  • (personal opinion) If you are sure you can get more out of the 2 i would not waste my time and nutrients on the other plants and just go for those 2 and make the best possible outta those 2, and dont worry as even tho it can be hearthbreaking when something goes wrong do keep in mind its nature you play with + you are only human.

    We all know that normally you have all great plants so im sure its not your intention nor fault, those 3 plants just were to small, to weak or they just did not felt like it but dont blame it on yourself :)

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    • Thanks Jim I appreciate it. I have a lot of success and sometimes it doesn’t go your way. Maybe a hot batch of soil not sure I never gave them anything else besides water so this is the result of one dose of seaweed. I do think and noticed the three smaller plants were loosing pace quickly before my issue so maybe a blessing in disguise and they would have taken valuable space and produced light. 

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