Comment to 'W.P. / Other sites'
  • Maybe, ask him to change it?

    Or has the "I'm butthurt, so you shouldn't exist." culture invaded our forum??

    He's not spamming anyone. not selling anything. Merely letting people know where he stands on certain issues. This isn't a political forum, for sure. But he's made no political comments.

     While I'm not a Republican, the other 3 apply to me. And what's so offensive about being a Republican? They've done a lot for our country through its history.

     Or was it the "How else can I piss you off?" comment? If so..."Lighten up, Frances"

    Ask him to change his avatar, before we ride him out on a rail.


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    • Maybe, ask him to change it?

      Or has the "I'm butthurt, so you shouldn't exist." culture invaded our forum??

      He's not spamming anyone. not selling anything. Merely letting people know where he stands on certain issues. This isn't a political forum, for sure. But he's made no political comments.

       While I'm not a Republican, the other 3 apply to me. And what's so offensive about being a Republican? They've done a lot for our country through its history.

       Or was it the "How else can I piss you off?" comment? If so..."Lighten up, Frances"

      Ask him to change his avatar, before we ride him out on a rail.


      I don't recall saying anything about a Republican...So don't put words in my mouth...and I don't want them to go anywhere. Don't want to run em off either. But be respectful of all people, white ,black, gay, straight ect...

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      • That was me and I took it down because I realized it was a mistake and would just add fuel to the flame that shouldn't be burning at all. 

        Damn you folks get up early. Again I am very sorry for posting that. 


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