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Fallen head over heals on this strain❤️🦨

Super Skunk Fem 

Feed today

1.1-1.2 EC

6.6 PH

Runoff was over 2000ppm last few feeds, guessing since it was all organic from the hot ass Fox Farm bag..they took it in stride. These bitches didn’t flinch a leaf tip as you can see. PH of runoff is 5.8ish, debating going PH of 7 or 7.2 next feed. Still waiting on them to hint towards something like normal 👌



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Comments (10)
    • Potted up and happy ✌️👌

      0 0 0 0 0 0
      • Girls are solid👌

        1 0 1 0 0 0
        • Doin their thang 👍✌️👌😎

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          • Organic media will sometimes release a lot of ions at once, giving a high ppm reading. If the plants don't respond negatively you're good! I'd do a water only for a few feeds, and keep an eye out for a mg deficiency. 

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            • Hey Mr North, good lookin girls there. Reading your post my opinion is even though your right with the PH readings if you pay more attention to that then the plants symptoms that could be a problem waiting to happen. In soil I don’t think PPM’s are as important as in DWC. I agree a great strain I have skunk1 going now

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