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Comments (10)
    • Got you in my thoughts and prayers brother.you need any help with cleanup I here

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      • 899 mb right now fuckin wow Strong and compact. Run like hell. 

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        • Read that wrong oops not 899mb but 905mb. Katrina was a 902mb when she came ashore .They are saying some weakening . You Staying? If you do stay safe!

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        • Hulk and I pretty much in the direct path...We are going to ride it out...1921 the last time a storm took this path...There were 135,000 residents at that time, now there's 3+ million...

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          • yep a big funnel North! Can't go east or west very far. 

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            • Stay safe the storm surge is going to be a monster. I am starting to see maybe a cat 4 when coming on shore,def. cat 3 probably . There is still a lot of room for eras in forecast. They say it is going to start to wobble and grow in size. (not wind speeds) Winds are like an added bonus , Water is the real killer.(it has the mass). I will be thinking of you 2(you and the hulkster) 

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              • My county is the highest elevation below the panhandle...never flooded here...Wind is my concern!!! TYVM...

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              • I'm good. Hulk is good, he doesn't have elec. @ the moment. 

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