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Lux and temp

So 4 seeds out of 5 germinated with the paper towel method. I planted them in small cardboard cups for now, about 1 cm under the soil. It is an auto strain, blue dream. 

I am in Spain and I measured 13 000 lux in the shade of my awning outside, temperature is 35C and rising. I have had the plants outside for about an hour so far.

I plan on taking the plants back inside, out of the sun and the heat. I have ordered some cheap grow lights on Amazon, should arrive tomorrow and I will just grow them indoors with artificial light and a little AC while I wait for the plants to pop out of the soil at least. 


Any input?

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Comments (3)
    • sound like a good plan, what brand and model for the light ?

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      • https://www.amazon.es/gp/product/B09QCGRCFG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1


        The light is meant to just be a start, I fear the temperature outside where I live is just too high and will remain too high for some more weeks.. Later I can probably keep them outdoor all day and I can better read the leaves to see how the babies are doing.

        I consider this to be a test run. I dont expect it to be awesome but I am at least hoping to learn along the way to make the next grow better. I have also ordered bigger pots and nutrients. 


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        • Hey Newb, what’s worked for me is keeping the true watts at 35-40 per square foot. Whatever the light draws at the wall is what they call true watts not the watts the light advertises but what’s actually drawing at the wall divide that by the sq ft of your grow space and if that number is at least 30 your golden. Hope this helps.

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