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ru back you have been gone 4 a while good 2 c u !!!1

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Comments (6)
    • Possibly but I doubt it !! What u think ChAs ?

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      • Looking back there were things said on my part only to prove a point because I didn’t like or agree with his point of view. I’ll be the first to admit that was wrong because in the end the forum lost not one but 2 very skillful growers of whom I learned a great deal from. I hope he reconsiders and comes back but as chubby said damage probably already done

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        • he aint...lol

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          • Hulkster, you had every right to say what you said. Deep down Pipes is a good dude. I'll think he'll be back soon. I do know that Pipes had exception to someone else's comments that caused him to leave. Lot of good growers still on WP!!

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            • Man fk him he was pretty much a dik from the day he got here...I hope I never see him back on here... I personably couldn't stand the mfer...He had little man syndrome...he was an arrogant drunk...I got all kinds of sht I could say bout that little midget but I'll leave it there, other than to say never ran into someone online that I disliked anymore...

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              • He was something else the drinking explaines the up and down.  I did like his brother in arms CPW he always added valuable info.  If Pipes ever did decide to come back I would just have to limit my time on here. haha

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