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justme good 2 c u r back have been missing u brother !!!

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Comments (6)
    • justme is a female...I thought...

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      • There is a woman that has the same kinda name. Very similar but I cannot remember what it is.  …….  She moved to Maine and bought a home with a atrium….  I was looking forward to her photos when she got settled in.  ..  but she never returned.   Been a few years back …. 😊

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        • it is [this is me] her name ..... been a long time..... 

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          • Could be.  Can’t remember….   Sounds good tho king 😁

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          • Rick,I thought the same thing several years ago. I asked if him if he was a boy or a girl. We both got a good laugh out of it !!! He's all boy !!

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            • Yeah hes's a good ole boy for sure..

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