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Fresh Viable Seeds

100% germ... good seed makes a hellva difference !! Props to Khalifa Seeds.

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Comments (4)
    • There ya go! ;)

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      • Perfect

        Did you raise hell with Crop King? Some poor Newbe is going order some of those and believe them when they tell them they did it all wrong.

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        • Now it looks like you have 14 seeds that need to get planted, you have room for that or are these destine to be part of the next outside grow?

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        • CPW, CK was willing to send me MORE bad seeds, but I asked them to substitute fems and they said they couldn't do that. So I'm done buying from them. The Hash Plant seeds will be part of an ID grow and OD also. I will collect pollen and do a seed run ID. If you're still lookin I'd be glad to send you some when ready . 

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