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Raspberry Cough Update and Smoke Report

I've had the RC curing for three plus weeks and was curious to the weight loss during this process so I pulled everything out and reweighed.  I have it broken into three buckets due to having three different phenos, wanted to keep them separated to see if any had any noticeable differences.  Excuse the names I came up with...  all measurements are in grams.


Enter Cure Buckets

-used Bovida Packs in each bucket 54-57 rh

Wizard (1 plant) 128.4. rH 39

PPE (purple people eater) (1 plant) 109.8  rH40

3 Some (3 plants) 344.7. rH 39

Total 582.9


26 days in Cure Buckets

Removed Bovida Packs at 2 week mark

Wizard  127.4  rH 55s

PPE 103.8  rH 54

3 Some 337.6 rH 55

Total 568.8



Smoke Report


Very Smooth smoke.  My wife says its a very easy buzz that doesn't lock her down to the couch.  I am very happy with it on apperance, smoke and buzz.  Definitely smoking less but staying where I need to be than with the normal menu items, so that is a very good thing.  Sure do appreciate all the help!!  



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Comments (5)
    • Much props to Nirvana for their RC. 

      0 0 0 0 0 0
      • Thank you.  Raspberry Cough is on my short list.

        0 0 0 0 0 0
        • Forgot to add a pic.  Haha, guess I hit it one too many times

          0 0 0 0 0 0
          • Excellent job, RC can be a challenge to grow and it looked like you had all the phenotypes. Enjoy 

            0 0 0 0 0 0
            • Congratulations on a good grow 🇺🇸

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