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Malawi Killers

Ok, CPW, I think I've got one of those strains you bring up periodically, that don't get amber trichs. Just for S&G, I scoped the trichs on my Malawis last nite. 80% milky, the rest clear, and not an amber trich in sight.

So, I'm thinking they'll be finishing up in the next couple of weeks. Almost a month longer than the breeder said, but I think they'll be worth it.

The Mother was OD, and never made it this far, so I'm pretty stoked.

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Comments (1)
    • It happens and so far I have never had one that got too milky so I would wait unless you like the over the top kind of rush.  I harvested the last Sterling Haze I grew at 50/50 milky to clear and that shit has me bouncing off the walls to the point I cant smoke it. I tried to get the ol lady to try it and clean the house but that didnt go well.

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