Northern Lights just weeks away from frost

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Comments (7)
    • That girl is purrrrty man great job on your grows man It cooling off time to get some wrenches turning bud

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      • Thank you

        I really like seeing the buds get so heavy to make them stems

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      • thats insane! what does it smell like when you go outside?

        Im trying to get a scope of how big and bushy she is but pictures dont do it justice

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        • It is raining here today, it is bent over big time.

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          • i love how its almost as big as that tree adjacent to it!  super cool! Northern Lights is such a cool strain!

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          • Lookin good ! She's gunna yield well too! Hope you don't get any rain and high winds !!

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            • Thank you, it should fill a few jars. Raining today

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