Ethos White Wedding on left and a new baby on the right(mystery)lol something new more to come

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Comments (9)
    • The cat did it again... my fault. The cat toped the white wedding at the 3rd node...uuuggghhh. Oh well I do love the bastard though. The price you pay for having a male cat. Lock goes back on the zipper handles

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      • yeah i want to see this hand made SCROG!

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        • It’s a small one.  1000 led dimmable.  I don’t have a lot of inside space. So will cover the entire tent.    Basically I was originally using the tent to get things going and start some for OD.  I would get them to about  1.5’ thereabouts and start hardening them off outside in the real sunshine for a couple weeks then pop them in my pre dugout holes with about 6-8 gallons of a mixed soil I make up .    Works great due to  the CAT!!!!   Who won’t leave them alone !!!!     Purchased and installed an infinity cloud line S4 and filter too.  That blue monster was a real stinky gal.  It took over my house and stood right  OUTSIDE my front door !!  Talk about nervous!!!   U definitely knew I was growing …. Uggggg    Think I have that handled now.   I’ll get going again…. ……..   sooner or later.  lol 

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          • Hey sub….   It’s a surprise. !!!    😁.  It’s so damn cute.  …..       i got detailed instructions on how to make it from a member here  way back ……..     It will go wall to wall.   

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            • Cake do u have any Maui Waui ?? would like 2 c u go it a go 
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            Focal length: 540/100mm
            Aperture: f/1.8
            Exposure time: 1/1465s
            ISO: 40