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Comments (8)
    • Where did you get your Cindy 99 seeds ?

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      • I just ordered some from seedsman. 

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        • I got some as a freebies from some seed bank and they claim to be from Ape Origin. I will try to grow them someday

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          • Did Seedsman change their search page? I dont see as many other breeders on there as I used to. 

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          • Looks good, is the one in back an Autoflower?

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            • The original was sum killer sht. Great taste and smell, and a nice head buzz.

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              • 0 2 0 0 0 0
                • C99 is good smoke..i bought some those from "Female Seeds" back in 2017..still have 2 left...i crossed some with several other strains since then and have them in my seed  collection..made C99 x Orange Bud  and C99 x Ice/Blueberry and C99 x GSC/Blueberry  and a couple others...some of those mixes i havnt even tried

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