AK 48 Day 42 (veg 4 flo 2)

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Comments (4)
    • That looks really awesome Vince!

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      • yup but in fact they are really short in comparison with some others strains, will see the yield in the end but i m a tad bit pessimistic as for now. smallest strain since my friend and me switched to led and grown a dozen of strains.

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        • Anxious to see it at the end for sure. I have been doing some research on bar leds, Just want to have my ppfds and my light distance. It will be a bit before I can purchase one, but nothing wrong with dreaming lol

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        • Vince u have them plants happy happy ......

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          Focal length: 43/10mm
          Aperture: f/3.3
          Exposure time: 10/1000s
          ISO: 80