Nicole Bananna OG almost 2 yrs old..still has sparkle

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Comments (7)
    • can i repost this pic ?

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      • Nice!!! 😊.    

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        • do i have 2 have buds n a jar 4 two years 2 get a lighter ???  looks great would not know that it waz 2 years old ....... 

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          • Thanks King...well i bought this lighter a few yrs ago when Nirvana Sold stuff.. I bought a Goodie Bag Package a couple had the lighter and some sticker and some papers and a card grinder..cant remember what all now...Alice sent me 10 packs of those papers a couple years ago after i asked her if they still sold those cos i wanted to get some more, since they had stopped selling the goodies back when Covid came around and shipments was stalling and not gettin to customers...yeah it is good smoke, but this pheno leans towards the nicole kush Side more so than the bananna really good tho..i have 3 seeds left tho ,so will try some more at some point...i also mixed some this with nirvana's Ice a while back when i was mixin strains with Ice..I have seeds of that mix too still to try out.....

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          • Sweet as long as air and heat hasn't got to it, it should be great smoke !!

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            • yeah it was and it  was in dark room in a jar..i opened it a few times to get a couple buds out now and then..have bout 5 nugz left

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            • yeah to bad covid happened... brought nothing good


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