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Yes the ground should be 50+ degrees by the time they are pretty much raised bed in natural organic mixed fertilizer soil.. our temperatures should be able to handle the weather and the plant will slowly get used to it.. they are tough plants.

Yes I said that I'm growing outside I just started a few seeds indoors and they are on 18+hrs light a day... I just put one outside to see a few hours during the day it's sunny enough they should get used to sun and not be shocked I'm not leaving them overnight if anything it well slowly help it get exposed to the sun and eventually be planted in the ground.. I don't know how much you know about growing and starting plants but you didn't really answer my question So thanks anyway.


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Hello is it okay and possible to top a young plant that I started indoors under a grow light and by seed I just heard it can speed up growth and help the plant is that true? I plan on the moving the plant outdoors in the ground once it weather gets warmer in April I'm in Washington state.




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Hello is it okay and possible to top a young plant that I started indoors under a grow light and by …
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  •  · nice one Booze good LOL this morning thank u !!

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