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need an angel

if there is angel out there PLEASE put your arms around my wife's brother he's suffering and asking 2 c everyone dam cancer ........ 

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Comments (7)
    • Your family is in our thoughts my friend.

      4 1 0 0 0 0
      • If I could... I would send you a dozen.  My thoughts are with your family.  There are no words that have even been invented yet, that describes the HATE I have in my heart for Cancer. 

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        • thoughts and prayers are with your family. i definitely know what yall are going through. i lost 7 family members in 2017 to cancer.

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          • 2017 hit the wrong button 

            0 0 0 0 0 0
            • thanks 4 ever one's prayers spiderdog35 .....  brother all that pain in one year so sorry !!!! 

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