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I noticed something with this current grow that I would love some thoughts and comments on. I grew this plant using 2 lights. On the right side I used my old v600 blurple grow lights and on the left side I used a new Mars 1500 quantum board. Even in veg I noticed the old light had a lot more growth and during flowering I had a lot more bud development from the old style light. I don't think most companies make the old blurple lights anymore but in my opinion on this plant the old technology seemed much better than the new. Any thoughts?

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Replies (8)
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      • Hi TB. And welcome back.  That definitely is a interesting observation.  Wow !   I can see the differences without a doubt.     I’d like to hear what others will comment on this too. May have to do a second run like that,  just to confirm that’s where the extra growth came from ???  I’m thinking it will be a different result.   To many times I’ve watched GWE experimental light grows to compare , back a year or two and blurple  did not take top honors…  your light could be the exception tho.   😊


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        • Hi Smiley! Good to talk to you again! I am definitely going to do the exact same setup one my next grow to see if the results are the same. I was really happy with the combination of the two lights and it will be interesting to see if I get the same results. 

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          • Yea, looks good to me.  Both lights might be a good combo working together.  Sure didn’t hurt much..  or not enough to NOT do a 2nd run.   You will have a good bit of trimming there.   Always fun to watch your grows.     
            on a side note.  I have my scrog all done except for stringing it with some nylon string.  Holes drilled and everything….  Did a little extra to it to step it up a notch.  I’ll post pics when it gets fired up at some point.   Lol  new scrubber, new light.  I’ll be all set.      Took a break this year… OD growing has let me do this.   I have a complete shut down due to the orange construction cone roadwork.  It has re routed high volumes of traffic to close for comfort.      😊

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          • Hey TB, Lighting is such a diverse and experimental input, when used for growing plants. I really don't know much about it, but in my experience combining different lights was a good thing. I don't think the more expensive lights are necessarily better either. Peace

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            • Great talking with you Chubby! It's crazy how it seems like older technology sometimes gets phased out and in some cases it was better. 

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            • it sure does look like the part under the light is much bigger/taller under that light....try that agin a couple times to see if that holds true..GL..ur gonna be busy trimming b4 long..

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              • my grows have gotten much better with the hlg boards over the 400 watt hps [flowering] ...

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