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Happy, giggly, uplifting

best strains for happy, uplifting buzz? Something that’ll make you laugh a lot? 

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Replies (6)
    • There's prob many ...Black Willie does this unless you smoke too much.

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      • Back in the day Hash would make me giggly even if they were cutting off a limb. 

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      • Glookies from Barneys is the one I remember the most, 

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        • I cant believe I forgot Misty Kush.

          This is a fun site, dont take it for gospel but it is fun



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          • Now that’s a list !!  Some of the names your just automatically drawn to.  Lol.  How was that misty kush as far as stretching?

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            • Misty was not bad for stretching but I defoil all strains a bit before the flip to keep it down. The Misty I have is a favorite from back in the day but the parents were different than what they say today's Misty is.  

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