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How long on average does it take to re-veg a plant? 

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Replies (3)
    • Tough question it seems to vary between strains. I revegged a couple of Papaya cuttings that took 2 months to get back to veg and they looked like they had been reborn in Pet Cemetery until the end of the grow. Recently I reveged  a couple of Garlic Breath cuttings and 2 weeks later they looked perfectly normal.

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      • Bout as long as if it were a clone... not much different...the structure of a revegged plant is usually horrible...but if you want clones from it, it would be ideal....a reveg is perfect for pulling clones from because of the way a reveg grows...

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        • i think it really depends on alot of things.. Re-vegging can be a pain in the ass. If youve never done it before give it a try! Everyone should do it at least once! You want to get your Indian badge, dont you?? 

          I think the only thing it is good for is harvesting many clones cause it grows so weirdly

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