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Fast Dry Sample

We've all done it! Taken an early sample to taste test or because were just don't have enough patience. What is you're favorite spot to do a quick dry?

I like to toss a bud up ontop of my 4 bulb T5 lamp for a day or two. I also use this area to place my paper towel when i am popping seeds

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Replies (2)
    • i hang some buds up above the T5 lamps on a hanger to dry a lot of times..i also use the top of lamp like u are here to get beans to pop..but for me the fixture gets pretty hot at times..i use a small cover to a plastic container flipped upside down to allow a lil air space between the fixture and the baggie with the beans to pop em..not quite as hot...werkz for me anywayz

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      • So I have been drying on top of my led light in the tent the last two times and it is fine, takes a day, then I grind it and if I wait one more day it is fine for smoking. Done it twice now. 

        I have also dried twice in the airfryer, they have a "dry fruit" option. 50 celcius and 4 hours. I smoked it right away, I say it was ok. However the next day I defrosted some stuff in the airfryer at 200 celcius and the whole house smelled of burned unpleasant weed after. So all in all I would not recommend the airfryer if it can be avoided. 

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