Novo Ciclo OG Kush (Nirvana Seeds)

Iniciando mais um ciclo com 4x OG Kush (Nirvana Seeds)
Tenda 60x60x1,40
QB 150w
Pots Air
Coco= 60%
Terra= 10%
Perlita= 10%
Humus de minhoca= 20%
+ Bokashi

1 0 0 0 0 0
  • 970
  • 589
  • 576
  • 588
  • 639
  • 611
  • 599
  • 599
  • 603
  • 615
  • 596
  • 389
  • 361
Comments (3)
    • Great color!

      0 0 0 0 0 0
      • Tell me please, were there any difficulties with growth? Nirvana writes that this variety is difficult to grow, one of the most difficult. I want to try, I wonder what is the complexity of this variety? 

        0 0 0 0 0 0
        • Hey, buddy,
          I didn't have any difficulties, I'm cultivating in the simplest and most normal way and the plants respond very well, and I'm in the organic mode, I noticed that in flowering they drink a lot of water, even more that here in Brazil it's very hot.
          thanks mat
          0 0 0 0 0 0
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