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12 gauge is gonna make too big a mess.

Couple of hollowpoints from my AK 47 work well, without a shotgun blast to my wall.

Never had the need, so it stays in the closet.

The way the world's headed, I may need to get it out and clean it up.

    • It's boarderline treasonous behavior if you do not have at least one.  I consider it your duty as an American to have at least on for ever adult in the house.

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      • I got two words for you n your ak center mass n if I got to kill a person a little mess ain't a bad thing you ain't getting up from a 12 ga.slug my man

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        • Mine is never far away.hate to have to ask a burguler to let me get my shit so I can shoot his ass.that is just me.havinh these tents up n growing it makes me a target for bad people sooooo you know the REST of THE STOaRY

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          • The MF coming through your front door is probably armed with a handgun. And it probably holds more rounds than your shotgun.

            If I'm gonna be in a gunfight, gimme a 20 round mag, any day.

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            • If you have a good dog or two, he ain't gunna make it through the door without you knowing he's coming ! 99% of burglars/rippers aren't gunna kill anybody! 

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