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No Guru here , I am still in training and still screwing stuff up... watch me go🤣🤣🤣 Mother Nature is the guru, I am just the student. My biggest hurdle is to get all the way through flower stage with out any speed bumps. Ugggh. I have no problems in sprouting and Veg cycle in DWC. 

Also I think you know more about growing than I do, I watched your last grow and you whipped my ass 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣.DRIVER!

    • If you quit learning in life how can you improve right 

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      • Cakefan it has been a long time since someone called me DRIVER.i miss the road sometimes man

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        • lol I do as well sometimes and I mean sometimes. Bought my house in 2007 did not really live in it till 2020 . I can stay home make the same money and grow! Win Win for me.

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