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What up Rbt, If you don't put fencing up around the plants you'll have the winds split plants in every direction. If you look at this plant and how it was pretty much split already with it's growth pattern, a small breeze is all it would take to do the rest. Believe me I found this out the hard way YEARS ago. BTW... How did the Malawi turn out ? 

    • The OD Malawi didn't have time to finish. (The one that DIDN'T split! lol

      But the ID clones did really well. Pure Sativa, so I wasn't expecting real hard nugs.

      Up until I smoked it, I was afraid I messed up the dry/ cure. Never had weed smell so much like earth.

      Not dirt, but earth, if that makes sense.

      Definitely an "up" buzz. I mix it with other weed to tone it down a little. (And because it's not much help with pain, just energy.)

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      • Those colas look great ! Pure Sativas are few and far between . I'm growin a Malawi/White Runtz cross, it should be interesting. Thanks

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