Comment to 'I use their aggressive feed schedule. 6 part, except I don't use...'
  • I did that too because,

    and I have no idea were I heard it,

    I heard the floralicious was bad in autopots.

    Not true at all. As long as it disolves your good to go. And it does make a difference if you are using their system of nutrients just not a deal breaker and your plants will be fine if you don't. It's considered a flavor enhancer.

    2 things I have to do on the system every feeding is H2O2 and Drip clean. Not sure about the water only system yet.

    I could never nail the Calmg right in coco for cannabis  tables

    Hope this is useful because I literally just went on this path earlier this year. Almost have something repeatable now. 😄 

    I can print it up if you like. works well in my autopot system. Would work well any drain to waste too. It's similar to the coco and the gH line, reduced nutes.

    A work in progress

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