Comment to 'Thanks! That's why I asked. I'm sturggling with a few issies tha...'
  •  "I also sleep lousy and can't get my mind to shut down at bedtime"

    I can totally relate I have the same problem.

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    • Oh man Rick, sorry to heat that! I get so fed up with taking forever to get to sleep because my mind just keeps going over everything of the past day, and what is coming up tomorrow. And now that I've started growing my own, I lay there and think abour that lol..

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      • No that was for the plant Rick just grew. 

        When you grow the AI or what ever indica the more Amber trichs the more they will help you sleep. I suggest growing one and harvesting it in stages, Cut one branch when its a little Amber to cloudy to clear and one all amber and milky, no clear and let one go until its 50/50 amber to milky or more. For what its worth CBD strains are about the only kind that make me sleepy and I let those go 50/50 amber to clear.

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        • Ahh, Thanks. I have one or two going clear to cloudy. I do know from going to the dispesery for my prescriptions that there is also a line of CBN products that are really suppose to be sleep oriented, I only tried a couple of gummies and really didn't see much result, and again, expensive...

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