Comment to 'Worms/Bud Rot'
Comment to Worms/Bud Rot
  • What up WP, In terms of genetics and bud rot, I recently read where many, if not all Indica cultivars, that originally came from mainly arid, and cool climates such as the Hindu Kush mountain range in northern Afghanistan, are predisposed to Bud Rot because .... Genetically, MANY cultivars we grow today have links to the early Indicas of this region, and when you take a plant that's been grown for hundreds of years in a mountainous, arid climate, and try growing it in the U.S. where the humidity if way up there, it makes sense that the plant might not like it !!  Bud Rot sets in, and you have big problems. I do what Starfish does and plan accordingly !  

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