Comment to 'Zkittlez Feminized'
  • Thanks SubterraneanHomesickBooze. Ive just received 5 seeds from Nirvana and now have a dilema. The point is Ive ordered seeds on 8th of July and haven't received anything for quite a long time, more than 3 weeks although its stated that within EU the delivery time is 1-2 weeks. So Ive started the seeds I had from local dealer's buds (I like the taste and effect) The seeds are regular and can be males/females. So Ive planted 6, two in each pot to have more chances for females. The plants are 2 weeks from seed now and doing good. Ive already topped 'em and they recovered and growing 2 main colas. I was not sure Nirvana seeds would make its way here. However when I informed Nirvana support team, they kindly re-send me the seeds and Ive just got them. I do not have an opportunity to grow more, ONLY 3 PLANTS in a go. Is it worthy to chop my 2 weeks plants and start Zkittlez or to leave them for the next grow? Difficult choice for me. 

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