Comment to 'VPD vapor pressure differential '
  • I do and if I am not mistaken Stick was the first on to mention it on here but I looked into anyway. There is a lot of good info out there on it and a lot of things to consider. The VPD of the Room and the VPD of the leaf surface are important and yes they change if you have enhanced the atmosphere with C02. 

    This is a pretty good site for calculations and you can download their charts or find them someplace else.

    So here's what you do. 

    1) Buy a IR thermometer. I assume you have some kind of RH meter.

    2) Start taking the RH measurements and Leaf Surface temps at various areas in your grow room and write them down. 

    3) Compare what your numbers are compared to what the VPD chart says

    4) Give up sleep for a month or so worrying about how to make it perfect.

    5) Follow this simple chart for temps and RH and use the IR thermometer for cooking

    Seriously I do think environment is a huge factor but how beneficial is micromanagement to that point I really dont know  


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