Comment to 'Could they still grow with burned leaves? So sad.'
  • Hey J I have the same prob today with 2 of my (12) mom's right now. Leaf burn/rusty color on the edges working up the leaf towards the mid vein. I fed 4 days ago, topdressing ferts. and watering in real good. 2 of the plants were affected and the rest were OK. So I did a pour thru test and the EC was real high over 3.0, PH was OK at 7.  SOOOOOO in my case it was over fertilized, I saw where your first thoughts were you might have the same overfert prob. BTW all the other mom's are JAMMIN !! I'll get some pics on soon. Peace

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    • I'm sorry but it isn't a severe problem as you said, I hope they're going to be fine. I think your analysis is sensible, intellectual, and I agree with you. I think plants are very easily to be burned at flowering stage, and we don't have to feed them every time with heavy fertilizer, such as 800-1000 ppm(1.1-1.4EC), and as my observation, water them with 400 ppm(under 1EC) solution every time maybe proper(I'm using peat-perlite soil mix) , commercial productions' feeding chart is over-fertilized schedule, some said plants will focus on producing flowers at flowering stage so those leaves aren't the point anymore so they are going to be vulnerable.  

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      • can't wait to see your lovely plants

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