Comment to 'Heat from LED'S to keep 4x8 tent warm'
  • My take is, if it's just for a couple days, and you return to 12/12 asap, I'll be ok. The dark cycle is what drives the flowering response, so returning to 12/12 should put the plant back on schedule. We'll see !!!  @  Sarge... I have a mouser that comes in and out of the room. She's been known to knock shit over. That would be risky !! Thanks yall

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    • Most space heaters turn off when they get knocked over, I would check that, if you have some bricks to stack around them to keep the cat from knocking them over and you should get some residual heat off them too.

      When it warms up to -8 we usually go swimming up here in Maine. lol. Actually I saw a couple of guys walking out onto the lake this morning at 7:00 am this morning and it was -6 with a strong wind coming out of the North. I dont get it but they looked happy. 

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