Comment to 'Mississippi '
Comment to Mississippi
  • IT FUCKING SUCKS!! They will all have primary challengers come election time!! We already have some candidates in mind that can beat them! They have been put on notice as well! I had Dinner with one of our State Representatives yesterday and spoke my mind! I told him all they had to do to fix it was to vote and have Governor Tater Tot to sign it into law! He didn't take that as serious as I would have like for him too! This was a loophole they left open just for the purpose of circumventing the people they are suppose to represent! I am sure they have more loopholes! 74% of us Mississippians voted no on 65A and yes on 65! 65 keeps the MS government from regulating it to death and doesn't put money into the government excluding sales tax. 65A lets them regulate the hell out of it! They will be able to tell you were your dispensary can be located and will double the price because the government will be making money off of it! The other things changed on the ballot by "We The People" since 2000 on election day includes our new flag amendment (I got my Ole Glory flying high again yesterday0), the voter ID law (which I fully support), or any other amendment voted on by the people of the state is now going to be challenged in court if I have to be the one to challenge them! I like them all but that isn't the point! We the people of MS have no way to even get an amendment on the ballot until they spend 5 minutes to cast a vote and legally change it to 4 districts instead of 5! I think the next thing we should do is remove everyone in our state government on Election Day for incompetence since we went from 5 districts to 4 in 2000 and they never put in the work to make the change legislatively to 4 districts on anything passed! That is just not doing your job! That crazy ass mayor that brought the lawsuit against Initiative 65 was just a way for these RINOs to force THEIR 65A onto us instead, like 74% of MS voted for! She filled the suit 3 days before Election Day! This will hurt these sorry ass Republicans BAD in the primaries! I am not a Democrat or Republican however my ideas line up best with the Republicans. I am more of a Libertarian!

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