Comment to 'what is this'
Comment to what is this
  • A lot of info here !! Organics in your media shouldn't show a deficiency. I'm not sure what J means when he said organics need to be composted before mixing. I say this from topdressing my plants with organics all the time.I  think he might of meant mineralized instead of composted. Actually now that I think about it, the processes are similar. Anywho... next time you transplant a plant of any size, use some mycos sprinkled on the roots, this will help the roots a lot. I'm not familiar with light mix/coco but you could have nutes blowin right thru your media, or maybe not feeding enough. How was the veg ? Same media ? Overall they don't look that bad . Keep an eye on them.

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    • The bat guano would have to be composted, most manures you use are hot - excluding rabbits and worm castings. But if you mix it straight in the medium like you would the perlite at the beginning, it’ll start fucking with the ph once it does start to break down or could burn / fry the plant.

      I was thinking he was trying to grow DTW in coco coir an had mixed in organic fertilizer in as to have to keep from using fertilizer with every watering.

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