Comment to 'Dense Buds '
Comment to Dense Buds
  • looks like thrip bites, could be mites, i use a peppermint oil spray a buddy suggested that can be used around the flowers as long as your not drenching it in, it works pretty good keeping pests at bay. also use mosquito bits in the top soil to mitigate larva of anything trying to breed. DE works too in the soil application, i would keep it away from the plant and dust the soil. wouldn't want anything in my flowers. even the peppermint stuff, except for a mist from over spray I try to stay away from the flower . this is why they ate all my buds. next year I am pulling out the big guns and getting some BT for those freaking wyrms. also going to treat the whole yard and reduce the resident bad bug population as well. definitely going to go all in on aggressive measures.

    And a tent like DP said, cheaper than good bugs.

    i am having a bug season, so-so harvest, definitely nothing to show. not a satisfying outside season.

    So yeah look for thrips, they are there. 

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