Comment to 'Making Fem Seeds From a Landrace Strain'
  • i think what id do here is since you know its gonna take a long time to bloom,only veg a short time and then flip to 12/12...then after a couple weeks start sprayin the NODES like aways a couple weeks every day couple times and then then you shud see the male pods start forming and if the plant or other plants havnt started to bloom yet an showin hairs you can always save the pollen u get and use it a lil later when the plants more in bloom,,IMO

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    • This one was lesst than 2 weeks old when I flipped it to 12/12 but it was in the 14/10 experiment for 2 weeks and it took over the Ebb & Flow table the picture is a week after I put it in a 2 X 4 tent. I rooted the clones under 12/12 so we will see how that goes. Exccept for 2 hash pants all the others are Sativa and may be my first harvest of 2023

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