Comment to 'PPFD for growing light '
  • В моей стране тоже нельзя выращивать коноплю, поэтому дома очень удобен. У меня самый очень ограниченный бюджет и по этому случаю я собрал лампу сам. Из светодиодных бытовых ламп. У меня ушло 20 ламп на 10-15 Вт. Также немного красного цвета 11Вт. И не уступают тем, которые у нас продают по 200-500$, если утром не бомбят, то пойду домой сделаю фото своего светильника для вас. 

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    • Nice Lamp you cobbled there don't see why that wouldn't work out well. Might almost be too bright with the right LEDs!

      Make sure to insulate it with a good wrap of tape on and around the wiring, the humidity will get to it eventually. Water proof it as best you can and it will last longer and lower your electrical risk

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      • I'm not doing that.I am growing and this makes me happy and completely satisfied. I picked up a spectrum of 2700 to 6500 kelvins, and on my second height I had wonderful bumps.

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        • The second time I grew, grew excellent cones. The first was a trial. Try and you and everything will work out. In fact, we are given a very expensive light, everything is much simpler and cheaper. Do not look at expensive lamps, they are made of the same diodes6th and household lamps. The right spectrum and you will succeed ;) 

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