Comment to 'Mycorrhiza'
Comment to Mycorrhiza
  • Do you grow in soil or coco? Recharge is good for both IMO, it has the microbes and it packs a lunch for them to eat. Last grow I just finished I used Tribus Original and LUMINA to feed them and it kicked ass the sugar in the sap has never been higher for me in Water & Coco.  I will try the Tribus Bloom this grow.

    Lots of good ones out there just dont forget to feed them and if you grow in water remember to replace them every time you change the reservoir 

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    • I was growing in the soil and I'm trying it in coco. I used "Piranha" and I liked the results more than from powder (some kind of killer whale or shark), although it is really expensive. That's why I asked the community here. Since in many English-language videos on YouTube they use powder mycorrhizae. And judging by the equipment they have the opportunity to afford the best. Although we have that powder that liquid is expensive all. 

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      • Great White? expensive yes indeed... I use recharge and and biochar in my coco...

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        • I used Great White in coco coir and it worked great, and I have used Orca the liquid version and it works well too. Mycos for Extreme Gardening is also good, the WP is ok for water grows but it leaves a dust in the res. They all work well, but my last grow with Tribus was over the top, I will find out in the next grow if it was the Tribus or genetics or both.

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