Comment to 'smoking weed'
Comment to smoking weed
  • I have never reach that limit so I an unqualified to answer this one. Personally I didn't think you could smoke too much! I never have anyway! I have felt like I did once or twice when I was a LOT younger but only edibles have gotten me to that point in the last 25 years or longer. I have to say that cigarettes should be illegal and flowers should be legal in my view! It isn't addictive like growing or cigarettes is and the worst thing that can happen is a short lived non life threating comatose couchlock stage for a couple hours! Might get a little slobber dribble out of the deal. lol The edibles is what will put me out there. I have eat some treats, and then with the muchies from smoking, eat more way too soon before the first had ever kicked in and was originally only wanting to take a little trip to maybe the moon and back but ended up way past Pluto in hyperspace accidentally! lol

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