Comment to 'Best LED lights'
Comment to Best LED lights
  • Don't know how you can keep up with what one is best there are so many different ones. And so many new ones coming out. If you got one your happy with that's the best one for you. Then there's the best one and then theres best bang for the $. Which is probably the category I ride in. Once I bought one and was happy with it I just quit trying to keep up with them. I know most likely mine is not definitely not the best but @  the time of purchase I felt like it was the best bang for the $. And they are so sneaky with their stats. You got to know what to look for. They are almost like computers after a year they are out of date as far as the industry is concerned.

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    • A year, more like a few months, tops, before they advertise a new one its predecessor is in design. 

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