Comment to 'Early yellowing'
Comment to Early yellowing
  • I know it's hard cause I been there not to freak out you want to help her out no matter what but in soil you have to be patient se it takes time to see results.  I use the same soil and when I flip I give them a heavy does of cal mag and potassium to help them convert to flower it looks like they just got hungry. Your new growth should be green and keep in mind you still have a stretch coming and you will probably trim most of those yellow leaves away so dont worry and dont add anymore stuff yet I didnt see any cal-mag in your list but probably would have only given them that. You don't want nutrient lick out so water only next drink IMO and next grow you will be able to catch the symptoms earlier until eventually no symptoms I'm still trying to get there we learn. 

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    • Great freaking answer Hulk!

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