Comment to 'RSO Consistency'
Comment to RSO Consistency
  • slightly thicker...I mean when you cook it it is what it is honestly...I personally take it and put like drop a bit bigger than a drop put it on parchment paper and put it in the freezer and take mine like's almost like a little pill...I don't decarb mine because I don't like the state of mind it puts me in...makes my mind go places I don't want to go...I know weird huh...but I am a weird sort of fella anyway...good luck and hope you get your chat back!!!

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    • ug RX if I could go without I damn sure would...yea I take 7 pills every morning....

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      • Try making canna caps, I call them chill pills because thats what they do for most folks. They just kind of take the edge off.

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        •    Good info CPW.!!  I like that idea as well.   Appreciate the response!  

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